Controversial Susun Kursi Challenge Takes Social Media by Storm: Viral Video Sparks Heated Debate Ac

Publish date: 2024-05-09

The Controversial Actions of the Girl in the Viral Video

The Controversial Actions of the Girl in the Viral Video
The actions of the girl in the “Video Viral Susun Kursi Di Kelas” have sparked significant controversy and debate. In the video, she can be seen arranging chairs on top of each other in an empty classroom while playing a song. However, what has drawn the most attention is when she climbs onto the stack of chairs and wraps her hijab around the ceiling fan blades, letting it spin. Many viewers found these actions disrespectful and inappropriate, particularly considering that she was wearing a scout uniform and hijab.

Disrespecting Religious Symbols

One aspect that has caused outrage among some viewers is how the girl uses her hijab as a prop in her video. Wrapping it around the fan blades while it spins can be seen as disrespectful towards religious symbols, especially within the context of a school environment. This action has offended many people who consider such behavior to be offensive and inappropriate.

A Challenge or Joke

According to sources, the girl claimed that she recorded the video as a joke or a challenge from her friends. She did not intend to offend anyone or any religion; rather, she was just trying to have fun. However, this explanation did little to appease those who felt that her actions were disrespectful and crossed boundaries.

Overall, it is clear that the girl’s actions in the viral video have generated a great deal of controversy due to their perceived disrespectfulness and cultural insensitivity.

How the Video Went Viral and on Which Platforms

The “Video Viral Susun Kursi Di Kelas” quickly gained traction on various social media platforms after it was initially uploaded on TikTok by user Nur Tasya. It then spread rapidly across different platforms like Twitter and YouTube, garnering millions of views within a short period. The video’s widespread circulation can be attributed to several factors.

Shareability on Social Media

The nature of the video, with its controversial content and compelling visuals, made it highly shareable on social media. Users were drawn to the shocking aspects of the girl’s actions, prompting them to share the video with their friends and followers. The viral nature of the video led to exponential growth in views and engagement, creating a phenomenon that captured the attention of netizens.

TikTok as an Amplifier

As TikTok continues to gain popularity as a platform for creating and sharing short videos, it has become a breeding ground for viral content. The initial upload of the “Video Viral Susun Kursi Di Kelas” on TikTok allowed it to reach a wide audience within the platform’s user base. From there, viewers began reposting the video on other platforms like Twitter and YouTube, further amplifying its reach and increasing its chances of going viral.

In conclusion, the rapid spread of the “Video Viral Susun Kursi Di Kelas” across multiple platforms can be attributed to its shareable content and strategic distribution on TikTok. These factors contributed to its virality and subsequent attention from netizens worldwide.

(Note: This is just an example response; please feel free to modify or add information as needed.)

Netizens’ Reactions to the Viral Video

Netizens’ reactions to the viral video “Susun Kursi Di Kelas” have been diverse and intense. The video has sparked heated debates on social media platforms, particularly in Indonesia where it originated. Many netizens expressed anger and disbelief at the girl’s actions, considering them disrespectful and inappropriate. They felt that her behavior was a violation of cultural and religious norms. Others defended her, seeing it as a harmless joke or a display of creativity.

The reactions have been polarized, with strong opinions on both sides. Some netizens called for consequences for the girl’s actions, while others argued for tolerance and understanding. The discussion has brought to light broader issues regarding online ethics, cultural respect, and parenting.

Examples of Netizens’ Reactions:

– Some netizens criticized the girl’s actions as offensive and disrespectful towards Islam.
– Others defended her, stating that it was just a harmless prank and should not be taken seriously.
– There were calls for stricter regulations on social media content to prevent such incidents in the future.

Overall, the viral video has ignited passionate discussions among netizens, highlighting the importance of responsible online behavior and cultural sensitivity.

Consequences Faced by the Girl After the Video Went Viral

After the “Susun Kursi Di Kelas” video went viral, the girl involved faced significant consequences from various parties. Firstly, her school authorities called her in for questioning and issued a stern warning against engaging in such behavior again. They also confiscated her phone and deleted the video from her TikTok account. This demonstrates how seriously schools take such incidents that could potentially harm their reputation.

Secondly, her parents reprimanded her for her actions and revoked her phone usage privileges as a form of punishment. They also publicly apologized on behalf of their daughter, emphasizing that her behavior did not represent their family values or beliefs. This shows the importance of parental involvement and discipline in shaping a child’s behavior.

Moreover, the girl received widespread criticism and backlash from netizens. Many expressed their condemnation and disapproval of her actions, which led to public shaming and online bullying. This highlights the potential consequences individuals may face when their actions go viral on social media.

Overall, the girl faced serious repercussions for her participation in the viral video, which serves as a reminder of the potential long-lasting consequences of irresponsible online behavior.

Consequences Faced by the Girl:

– School authorities issued a stern warning and confiscated her phone.
– Her parents reprimanded her and revoked her phone usage privileges.
– She faced public criticism and backlash from netizens, resulting in online bullying.

Online Ethics

The viral video “Video Viral Susun Kursi Di Kelas” raises important questions about online ethics. As the video spread across social media platforms, it drew both positive and negative reactions from viewers. Some argue that it was just a harmless joke or a form of self-expression, while others believe it was disrespectful and inappropriate. This incident highlights the need for responsible content creation and consumption on the internet. It serves as a reminder that individuals should consider the potential consequences of their actions before posting anything online.


Another significant issue raised by this viral video is parenting. The girl in the video claimed that she recorded it as a joke or a challenge from her friends. This incident brings attention to the role of parents in shaping their children’s values and behaviors. It prompts reflection on whether parents are effectively instilling a sense of respect, responsibility, and cultural understanding in their children. Parents have an essential role in teaching their children about appropriate online behavior and the potential impact of their actions.

Cultural Respect

The controversial nature of the “Video Viral Susun Kursi Di Kelas” also highlights the importance of cultural respect. In a diverse society like Indonesia, where different religions and cultures coexist, it is crucial to cultivate tolerance and understanding for one another’s beliefs and practices. The video sparked anger among many viewers who found the girl’s actions disrespectful towards religion or culture. This incident serves as a reminder that cultural sensitivity should be taken into account when creating or consuming content online.

Overall, the viral video “Video Viral Susun Kursi Di Kelas” has brought attention to broader issues such as online ethics, parenting, and cultural respect. It serves as a reminder for individuals to be mindful of their actions on social media platforms and reflect on how their behavior may impact others’ sentiments or beliefs.

Online Ethics

The viral video, “Video Viral Susun Kursi Di Kelas,” raises important questions about online ethics. As the video spread across various social media platforms, it sparked heated debates about the responsibilities of content creators and consumers. Some argued that the girl’s actions in the video were disrespectful and inappropriate, while others defended her right to express herself. This incident highlights the need for individuals to consider the potential consequences of their online behavior and to exercise ethical judgment when sharing or creating content.


The controversy surrounding the “Video Viral Susun Kursi Di Kelas” also sheds light on parenting in today’s digital age. The girl in the video claimed that she recorded it as a joke or a challenge from her friends, indicating a lack of parental guidance or supervision. The serious repercussions she faced from both her school and her parents suggest that there was a failure in instilling proper values and morals. This incident serves as a reminder for parents to actively monitor their children’s online activities and educate them on responsible internet use.

Cultural Respect

One crucial issue raised by this viral video is cultural respect. The girl in the video wore a hijab, which holds religious and cultural significance for many individuals. By removing her hijab and using it to spin the ceiling fan, she offended many viewers who saw it as disrespectful towards Islam and its traditions. This incident highlights the importance of understanding different cultures and religions, promoting tolerance, and avoiding actions that may be perceived as insensitive or offensive. It calls for greater awareness and education regarding cultural diversity, particularly among younger generations who often engage with social media platforms where such incidents unfold.

Overall, the “Video Viral Susun Kursi Di Kelas” has ignited discussions on various societal issues such as online ethics, parenting practices, and cultural respect. It serves as a reminder of the power and impact of social media and the need for responsible behavior both online and offline.

Online Ethics

The viral video “Video Viral Susun Kursi Di Kelas” raises crucial questions about online ethics. As the video quickly spread across various social media platforms, viewers were divided in their reactions. Some condemned the video for being disrespectful and inappropriate, while others saw it as harmless humor or a dare taken too far. This incident highlights the need for individuals to consider the potential consequences of their online actions and to be mindful of cultural sensitivities and boundaries. It also emphasizes the responsibility of content creators to think critically before posting content that may offend or harm others.


The controversy surrounding the “Video Viral Susun Kursi Di Kelas” also brings attention to parenting and its role in shaping the values and morals of younger generations. The girl in the video claimed to have recorded it as a joke or a challenge from her friends. This incident serves as a reminder for parents to actively engage with their children’s online activities and provide guidance on responsible behavior on social media platforms. It is essential for parents to teach their children about respect, empathy, and cultural sensitivity to prevent similar incidents from occurring in the future.

Cultural Respect

The specific actions depicted in the viral video sparked significant outrage among viewers who perceived them as disrespectful towards religious symbols, such as the hijab. This controversy highlights the importance of cultural respect and tolerance in our increasingly interconnected world. Individuals should strive to understand and appreciate different cultures, religions, and beliefs without resorting to mockery or disrespect. Education plays a vital role in promoting cultural understanding and fostering an environment where diversity is celebrated rather than ridiculed. Initiatives that promote dialogue, empathy, and inclusivity can help bridge gaps between different communities and prevent incidents like this viral video from happening again.

Online Ethics

The viral video, known as “Video Viral Susun Kursi Di Kelas,” raises important questions about online ethics. The controversial actions of the girl in the video have sparked anger and disbelief among netizens, who consider her behavior disrespectful and inappropriate. This incident serves as a reminder of the responsibility that online content creators have to ensure that their content is respectful and considerate towards others. It also highlights the need for individuals consuming online content to be critical thinkers and discerning viewers, questioning the motives and consequences of viral videos before sharing or endorsing them.


The video also brings up broader issues related to parenting. The girl in the video claimed that she recorded it as a joke or a challenge from her friends, suggesting that peer pressure may have played a role in her actions. This incident emphasizes the importance of education and guidance from parents in shaping the values and morals of younger generations. It serves as a reminder for parents to instill in their children an understanding of respect, empathy, and cultural sensitivity. Additionally, this incident highlights the significance of open communication between parents and children regarding appropriate behavior both offline and online.

Cultural Respect

The “Video Viral Susun Kursi Di Kelas” sparks a discussion about cultural respect. The action performed by the girl involving her hijab has been viewed by many as disrespectful towards Islam. This incident prompts reflection on the importance of respecting different cultures, religions, and beliefs. It serves as a reminder that cultural sensitivity should be prioritized in our increasingly diverse society. It calls for fostering an environment where individuals are educated about different cultures, promoting tolerance, understanding, and appreciation for diversity.

– In today’s digital age where viral videos can quickly spread across platforms, it is essential for online users to critically evaluate content before sharing or endorsing it.
– Parental guidance plays a crucial role in shaping the values and morals of younger generations, emphasizing the need for open communication between parents and children regarding appropriate behavior.
– Promoting cultural respect is important to foster an inclusive society that appreciates and understands diversity.

Online Ethics

The viral video “Video Viral Susun Kursi Di Kelas” raises important questions about online ethics. The actions depicted in the video have sparked significant outrage and controversy among netizens. Many viewers consider the girl’s behavior disrespectful and inappropriate, questioning the ethics of her actions. This incident highlights the responsibility of online content creators to consider the potential consequences of their posts and to be mindful of cultural sensitivities. It also underscores the importance of promoting positive and respectful online behavior.


The “Video Viral Susun Kursi Di Kelas” video brings to light broader issues regarding parenting. The girl in the video claimed that she recorded it as a joke or a challenge from her friends, indicating a lack of parental guidance and supervision. This incident raises questions about the role of parents in shaping the values and morals of their children. It emphasizes the need for open communication and parental involvement in monitoring their children’s online activities to prevent such incidents from occurring. It also serves as a reminder that parents play a crucial role in instilling respect and tolerance for different cultures and religions in their children.

Cultural Respect

Cultural respect is another significant issue raised by the “Video Viral Susun Kursi Di Kelas” phenomenon. The girl, who is seen wearing a hijab, performs actions that some viewers find offensive towards Islam and its religious symbols. This incident highlights the importance of respecting different cultures and religions, particularly on social media platforms where content can reach a global audience within moments. It serves as a reminder that cultural sensitivity should be practiced both online and offline, promoting understanding and acceptance among diverse communities. Building cultural respect can contribute to fostering harmony and unity in society.

Online Ethics

The viral video “Video Viral Susun Kursi Di Kelas” raises important ethical concerns regarding online content creation and consumption. The actions depicted in the video were seen as disrespectful and inappropriate by many viewers, leading to widespread anger and disbelief. This raises questions about the responsibility of online content creators to consider the potential impact of their actions on others. It also highlights the importance of promoting ethical behavior and respect in online spaces.

Furthermore, the reaction to the video brings attention to the role of online platforms in moderating and regulating content. As the video spread across various platforms like TikTok, Twitter, and YouTube, it became a topic of intense debate among netizens. This raises questions about how social media platforms should handle controversial or offensive content, balancing freedom of expression with the need to maintain a respectful and safe online environment.


The controversy surrounding the “Video Viral Susun Kursi Di Kelas” also brings up issues related to parenting and how parents should guide their children’s behavior both offline and online. It was reported that the girl in the video recorded it as a joke or a challenge from her friends, indicating a lack of understanding about appropriate behavior. This incident emphasizes the importance of parental guidance in shaping children’s values and morals.

The subsequent consequences faced by the girl, such as stern warnings from school authorities, phone confiscation, and revoked privileges highlight that parents play a crucial role in addressing their child’s misconduct. These measures taken demonstrate that parents need to actively engage with their children’s online activities and educate them about responsible internet usage. It underscores the need for open conversations within families about respecting others’ cultures, religions, and beliefs.

Moreover, this incident sparks discussions regarding technology supervision by parents. With easy access to smartphones and social media platforms becoming increasingly common among young individuals, parents face challenges in balancing freedom with responsibility. They must find a middle ground that allows their children to explore the digital world while ensuring they are equipped with the necessary knowledge and understanding to navigate it safely and respectfully.

Cultural Respect

The “Video Viral Susun Kursi Di Kelas” video has also shed light on the importance of cultural respect in our increasingly interconnected world. The girl’s actions, particularly taking off her hijab and wrapping it around the fan blades, were seen as disrespectful towards Islam and its religious symbols by many viewers. This highlights the need for fostering tolerance and respect for diverse cultures and religions.

The controversy surrounding this video serves as a reminder that cultural sensitivity should be a fundamental value instilled in individuals from an early age. It also calls attention to the role of education in promoting intercultural understanding and acceptance. Schools have an essential role to play in teaching students about different cultures, religions, and their values to cultivate respectful behavior.

Furthermore, this viral video sparks conversations about how society can respond constructively when incidents like these occur. Rather than solely seeking punishment or retribution, it is important for us to promote dialogue, empathy, and education as means of addressing cultural insensitivity. By encouraging open discussions and providing opportunities for individuals to learn from one another, we can work towards building a more inclusive society that values diversity and fosters mutual respect.

Online Ethics and Responsibility

The viral video “Video Viral Susun Kursi Di Kelas” has sparked a discussion about online ethics and responsibility. Many netizens expressed outrage and concern over the girl’s actions, considering them disrespectful and inappropriate. This raises important questions about the responsibility of content creators to consider the impact of their actions on others before posting online. It also highlights the need for individuals consuming online content to critically evaluate its ethical implications and potential consequences. As social media continues to play a significant role in society, it is crucial for users to understand the importance of responsible online behavior.

Parenting and Education

The controversy surrounding the viral video also brings to light the role of parenting and education in shaping the values and morals of young individuals. The fact that this girl was a vocational school student indicates that she is at an age where she should be learning about appropriate behavior and respecting cultural norms. This incident raises concerns about whether parents and educational institutions are effectively instilling these values in young individuals. It emphasizes the need for parents, educators, and society as a whole to prioritize teaching respect, tolerance, and cultural understanding from an early age.

Cultural Respect

Another significant issue raised by this viral video is the importance of cultural respect. The act of removing her hijab and using it in a way that can be seen as disrespectful towards religion has ignited anger among viewers. This incident serves as a reminder that cultural sensitivity is crucial when interacting with different beliefs, practices, and traditions. It calls on individuals to foster empathy, understanding, and tolerance towards diverse cultures rather than engaging in actions that may offend or provoke others. Promoting cultural respect not only contributes to harmonious coexistence but also helps create a more inclusive society where everyone feels valued and respected.

In conclusion, the viral video “Video Viral Susun Kursi Di Kelas” has sparked discussions about online ethics, parenting, and cultural respect. It highlights the need for content creators to be responsible and considerate of the impact their actions may have on others. Additionally, it emphasizes the importance of effective parenting and education in shaping values and morals. Lastly, it serves as a reminder that cultural respect is essential in promoting understanding and inclusivity within society.

Online Ethics

The viral video known as “Video Viral Susun Kursi Di Kelas” has sparked discussions about online ethics and the responsibility of content creators. The actions depicted in the video, such as taking off a hijab and wrapping it around a fan, have been deemed disrespectful and inappropriate by many viewers. This raises questions about the boundaries of what is acceptable to share on social media platforms. It also emphasizes the importance of considering the potential impact and repercussions of one’s actions before posting online.

Key Points:

– The video has generated controversy due to its perceived lack of respect for religious symbols.
– Online content creators should be mindful of the potential consequences their actions may have on others.
– Online platforms need to establish guidelines for acceptable content to prevent offensive or harmful videos from going viral.


The viral video has also brought attention to the role of parenting in shaping the values and morals of younger generations. The girl in the video claimed that she recorded it as a joke or a challenge from her friends, highlighting how peer pressure can influence behavior. However, her parents took her actions seriously and reprimanded her for her behavior. This incident serves as a reminder that parents play a crucial role in instilling respect and responsible behavior in their children.

Key Points:

– Parents need to educate their children about cultural sensitivity and respect for different religions.
– Monitoring children’s online activity can help prevent them from engaging in inappropriate or disrespectful behavior.
– Open communication between parents and children is essential for addressing issues related to online behavior.

Cultural Respect

The “Video Viral Susun Kursi Di Kelas” controversy has shed light on the importance of cultural respect in today’s society. The girl’s actions were seen by many as disrespectful towards religious symbols, particularly the hijab. This incident serves as a reminder that cultural sensitivity and understanding are vital for promoting harmony and tolerance in diverse communities.

Key Points:

– Education institutions should incorporate cultural awareness programs to promote respect and tolerance among students.
– Online platforms should enforce stricter guidelines to prevent the circulation of content that is disrespectful towards different cultures or religions.
– Society as a whole needs to foster an environment where cultural diversity is celebrated and respected.

Overall, the viral video has sparked discussions about online ethics, parenting, and cultural respect. It highlights the need for responsible behavior online, the role of parents in shaping their children’s values, and the importance of respecting different cultures and religions.

The Susun Kursi Challenge has gained immense popularity on TikTok and Twitter, captivating classrooms worldwide. This viral video trend has not only entertained but also encouraged creativity and teamwork among students. Its widespread reach highlights the power of social media in connecting individuals across different platforms and cultures.
