Publish date: 2024-05-09

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Thato Mokwena shared the amazing news that her son won gold at his school's athletics. The adorable little one posed proudly while standing on the Number 1 spot on the podium with his peers beside him.

Thato's post made South Africans feel a sense of pride. Peeps asked about her son's next races and where they could watch. Others asked how they could support him. Her Twitter post gained a massive 17 900 likes at the time of Briefly News' viewing.

Peeps from all over Mzansi are trying their best to make their way to his next sports day in order to support South Africa's future Olympic gold medalist.

Take a look at the viral post below:

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South Africans have all been overcome with a sense of pride for Thato's son

@Khokane shared:

"I wish was there to cheer for him, I would be the loudest."

@nes_kamogelo said:

"Let me follow you so I can smile every time you post his achievements!"

@zakesHuma wrote:

"He's genetically superior than the rest."

@DanielKeevy shared some advice:

"Brilliant! If he's interested in running, you should see what High Schools in the area have good athletic programmes!"

@mosa2_0 tweeted:

"I like how parents are supportive of their kids these days. Continue being his number 1 fan & do your best to nurture his talent. The future is bright for the young man."

@JiyaneOmnyama added:

"Congratulations to the young champ. Please keep him safe, until we see him on our screen."

Little girl, 9, wows Mzansi with extraordinary rendition of opera classic 'Ave Maria'

In other news about impressive South African kids, Briefly News previously reported that Gugulethu Ndzendze is just nine years old but is packed with talent. The little girl's mother, Fundiswa, has been sharing videos of Gugulethu stunningly singing opera songs as difficult as the classic O Mio Babbino Caro.

In one of her videos, the primary school kid belted out Ave Maria as she stood on a stage with a microphone taller than she is. Clad in her school uniform, she calmly begins singing the classic hit.

The video was shared on Facebook by proud mom Fundiswa and is just over two minutes long. It has gained a large 12 000 views with over 6 600 reactions on the popular social networking application.
