How Old Was Judy Garland in Wizard of Oz and Other Movies?

Publish date: 2024-05-09

Judy Garland was 17 years old in Wizard of Oz, which was her 7th movie appearance and proved to be her breakthrough movie. She would go on to appear in several other movies in her 20s and 30s, including 1954’s A Star Is Born when she was 32 years old.

How Old was Judy Garland in Wizard of Oz?

Judy Garland was 17 years old in Wizard of Oz, the 1939 fantasy musical film. In the movie, she portrayed the role of a 12-year-old Dorothy Gale, who embarks on a lovely adventure with her dog and other beloved pals after a tornado sweeps her to the magical Land of Oz.

Garland was obviously a bit older than the character she was portraying, and the studios behind the film had to resort to tricks such as her style of clothing to make her look age appropriate. Her performance was quite convincing, and she went on to win an Academy Juvenile Award for it.

How Old was Judy Garland in Meet Me in St. Louis?

Judy Garland was 22 years old in Meet Me in St. Louis. The 1944 movie required her to deploy her singing skills once more, and she did a fantastic job portraying a young lady who lives with her parents and three sisters in a comfortable middle-class setting in St. Louis in the run-up to the opening of the world fair. Her character is described as a 17-year-old girl meaning that she was once more five years older than the role she played.

How Old was Judy Garland in A Star Is Born?

By the time Judy Garland appeared in A Star Is Born, she was 32 years old. The 1954 film proved to be one of her most critically acclaimed performances. In it, she played the role of Esther Blodgett, a young talented singer who meets up with Norman Maine, a music legend that is past his glory days and struggles with alcoholism.

Norman helps Esther break through in the industry, but his alcoholism threatens to derail all of her hard work. Judy Garland gave a sterling performance in A Star Is Born and was nominated for an Academy Award for best actress. She lost out to Grace Kelly, with many declaring that she deserved it more. She, however, picked up the Golden Globe Award for best actress in a musical.

How Old was Judy Garland in Easter Parade?

Easter Parade is a 1948 musical film from the stables of MGM. It is one of the last movies that Judy Garland did for the studio in fulfillment of her 15-year contract with them. Judy Garland was 26 years old in Easter Parade, playing the role of a naïve chorus girl, Hannah Brown, who is caught up in the drama between two experienced dancers and former partners.

How Old Was Judy Garland When She Died?

Judy Garland was 47 years old when she died in her rented home in London, England, on June 22, 1969. Her death was attributed to an accidental overdose of anti-depressant drugs. The actress had struggled with a lot of issues throughout her life. She started performing at the age of 2 and didn’t have much of a normal childhood. Her mom always pressured her to be better instead of nurturing her.

By age 13, Judy Garland signed a contract with MGM Studios, and the pressure continued. The studios critiqued and tried to modify her appearance. They also used pills to get her to have the energy to perform. The studios also tried to curtail her love life and romantic relationships, and she had to procure an abortion at the age of 19. All this inevitably affected her mental health, and she never fully recovered.

How Old Would Judy Garland Be Today?

If she were still alive, Judy Garland would be 101 years old today. Alas, she is not, but her memories and legacy remain evergreen. Her iconic films, such as Wizard of Oz, have been a bit hit with contemporary audiences.

Her acceptance of gay people has also made many describe her as an icon. She is also revered for her advocacy for the rights of African-Americans. A talented singer as well as an actress, Judy Garland has two stars on the Hollywood Walk of Fame in recognition of her versatility.
