Publish date: 2024-05-08

At 17, Dr Dorothy Jean Tillman successfully earned her doctoral degree in Behavioral Health from Arizona State University's (ASU) College of Health Solutions.

Tillman entered high school at nine years old. When she was 10 in 2016, she completed her associate's degree at the College of Lake County before heading to Albany's Excelsior College for her bachelor's degree at 12.

Tillman continued there as she became interested in Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math-related (STEAM) fields. She received her master's degree from Unity College at 14 and chose to assist other children interested in similar career choices, said Because Of Them We Can.

"I've been working on STEM labs for kids since I wish to work in a STEM-related field with children. I enjoy assisting children in achieving bright futures. I have the impression that I am here to make people happy," she said, according to Yahoo News.

Tillman has successfully defended her dissertation to earn her doctorate in Behavioural Health.

"I'm happy to share that I've completed my Doctor of Behavioral Health (DBH) studies at Arizona State University's ASU College of Health Solutions!"I am now Dr. Dorothy Jean Tillman, DBH, since I successfully defended my dissertation last week," she posted on Instagram.

See her post below:

See how folks inundated her with praises

People populated the comments area of her post to compliment her for bagging her doctorate.

A928sfan indicated:

Way to go Dr God, forth and be a future great (PBW) Phenomenal Black Woman .

Dr.briank said:

Dr Tillman, congratulations! We hope to work with you .

Empowered_woman_llc posted:

Congrats! And thank you for bringing awareness to mental health!

Afro_afghan_russian_papi.59 reacted:

Gorgeous, your close to me.

Kmn818 said:

Congratulations on your incredible success! Wishing you all the best life brings your way!

Qthe1 indicated:


Man becomes UCT's youngest PhD graduate in 10 years

Previously, Briefly News wrote that Dr Gaopalelwe Mathiba became the University of Cape Town's youngest PhD graduate in 10 years at 26.

Mathiba spoke to Briefly News about his journey and how he managed to stay on course. He credited his discipline, wife, and son for empowering him to complete his studies and obtain his PhD in Law.

