Watch Leaked Video of Fitting Room from H&M Store The Talks Today

Publish date: 2024-05-06

According to a viral post on Twitter, hidden cameras are recording consumers trying on clothes at a popular clothing store in Kuala Lumpur. Using a hidden camera, the screenshot showed aerial footage from inside the women’s fitting room. The videos are allegedly being sold online, with sellers claiming to have recordings of couples and people in the fitting rooms. I will be sharing a fitting room video from H&M with you in this article.

People’s Reaction on Fitting room video controvery

As a result of the original tweet, which was deleted by the owner to protect the privacy of the individuals, several individuals have reached out to share their own experiences. According to one of the victims who came forward, she was one of the women shown in the screenshot of the video. When she went shopping at the H&M Avenue K outlet last October, she revealed that the fitting room location is most likely at the store.

Could you please let me know from where all those videos are coming from? One of the individuals in the video is me, and when the video was published publicly, it caused me embarrassment since I was one of the individuals in the video. I hope that you will be able to help me in some way. In my opinion, the fitting room is located at H&M Avenue K if I am not mistaken, since I have bought a shirt from the store. It is possible that the videos were recorded on October 6 2022.”

Also read – Watch Heccymar TikTok Video Viral Leaked on Twitter

Police Invastigation is ON

According to a statement by H&M Malaysia, after the matter became so viral it was decided to lodge a police report. “As a company, we place the highest priority on the safety of our customers. “Police have been notified of the incident and an investigation is currently underway.”

According to the company, “Our fitting rooms have been inspected and we are currently working on ensuring that no security breach will compromise the privacy of our customers,” the company informed in an email.

According to reports, the police have also begun investigating the claims as well, which has also been reported. According to Dang Wangi OCPD Asst. Comm Noor Dellhan Yahaya, the police received a report regarding the matter on Monday (January 9).

According to him, the police report was lodged by the security manager of a shop on Jalan Imbi who had filed it. “We sent our personnel to investigate the incident and they were not able to locate the camera. There is a possibility that it happened at another location.” In his words, the case has been classified under Section 509 of the Penal Code for intentional insults to a woman’s modesty, through words, sounds, gestures, or objects intended to offend that woman’s modesty.

Watch Leaked Video of Fitting Room from H&M Store
