Publish date: 2024-05-04

I never thought I’d find myself caught in the web of a sophisticated con game, but here I am, grappling with the devastating fallout of MIZIZI AFRICA HOMES LIMITED’s shocking scandal.

As I put my thoughts into words, my main goal is to provide support and guidance to individuals who have been deceived by the enticing promises made by CEO George Mburu Waiganjo and his family-owned company. It’s essential to shed light on the experiences of those who may have felt misled and help them navigate through any challenges they might be facing.

By delving into the details of their encounters with the company, we can uncover the intricacies of the situation and explore avenues for redress. This complaint serves as a voice for those who feel they were taken advantage of and aims to bring awareness to the issues surrounding CEO George Mburu Waiganjo and the practices of his family-owned business.

After months of investigations, we have verified and are now exposing Waiganjo’s elaborate scheme that would leave tens and countless others in financial ruins. The calculated deception, the shattered dreams—it’s a bitter pill to swallow, and the pain runs deep.

This isn’t just a story; it’s a personal account of betrayal and the quest for justice.


In this series, we shall expose details and highlight a well-calculated con game perpetrated by CEO-George Mburu Waiganjo and his family.

Started in 2019, Mizizi Africa Homes Limited is an off-plan developer. They start to sell off their houses at the design stage and build them as monthly installments are paid throughout the duration of construction. This, however, hasn’t taken place, as close to a dozen estates have stalled and clients risk losing their hard-earned money. Projects started as early as 2020 are yet to be completed, despite clients having paid most of the money and promised a construction period of 12 months.

Taking center stage is the CEO, George Mburu Waiganjo, and his family, as cover i.e his mother, brother, wife, and sister.

The 37-year-old, who was the former Chief of Finance at Banda Homes, moved and started his own company. It becomes difficult to know when you are being conned as he always agrees to everything he’s told with a smile. But looks can be deceiving, as a vast majority don’t realise the predictor hiding behind the happy face.

Having learned the con art from his former company, he chose a slightly different path to accomplish the same plan. Opening a “Christian based company” and using his family as cover, clients are lured with a sense of honesty and trust until they realize that they have fallen into a mud pit.

Opening other companies that are run by family members. The face of the company is the CEO himself, but the running of the company is a family affair, so they keep and hide as much as they can from the unsuspecting customers.

Promises to clients of owning a home have become dreams, and clients are now headed to the doors of justice to seek redress for their refunds after realizing that their estates have become white elephants. The family has also since been operating in the shadows, as has the CEO, Mr. Mburu.

The opacity surrounding the operations of MIZIZI AFRICA HOMES LIMITED and its CEO deepens the sense of betrayal, leaving clients not only disillusioned but also driven to seek justice for the financial and emotional toll they’ve endured. The call for accountability echoes loudly, as those who once believed in the dream of homeownership now navigate the harsh reality of a shattered illusion.


With only 4 estates handed over to the clients in almost habitable conditions, of which it took over 20 months to get them completed, some houses are still inhabitable to date.

The company quickly reinvented itself with a strategy to start handing over incomplete projects to the clients as a way to save the company’s face. However, this did not last long, as the string of handovers was quickly discovered to be a heinous plot to have the clients finish their own houses despite having paid their monies into the company.

When the CEO and the family are asked to shed light, they continuously lie and change the construction deadlines. This is when “paradise” started facing serious storms with overwhelming complaints, refunds, and civil cases against the company.

Adding to the injury caused to the clients, all the sites have since been closed by various government bodies. The sites have become ghost estates, with bushes starting to grow.

Vandalism of the same estates by the same family and taking the material to their other related companies. Issues of compliance and legal battles have caused the sites to remain closed to date.

There have been zero activities on the estate; some estates have not seen a single activity for the last 11 months.

Raw Photos from the Stalled Con Estates

Peacock Phase 1 Estate located at Kimunyu along Kenyatta road started in 2020 and still incomplete houses to date despite having been handed over to the clients at about 60% completion.

Heritage 2 Estate located at Kimunyu along Kenyatta road started in early 2021 and still incomplete houses to date though it was handed over to the clients at about 45% completion.

Peacock 2 Estate started in early 2021 and is still incomplete to date. Half of the houses to date haven’t moved beyond the walling stage, though they were handed over to the clients at about 30% completion.

SSS Waiganjo Estate, located along Kiganjo Road, started in early 2021 and is still incomplete to date. 99% of the houses don’t have roofs. Handed over to the clients at about 40% completion.

Ostrich Gardens Estate, located at Kimunyu along Kenyatta Road, started in mid-2021 and is still incomplete to date. As a matter of fact, 80% of the houses are at the foundation stage. Handed over to the clients at about 10% completion.

Falcon Hill Estate located at Juja started in mid-2021 and still incomplete to date with 50% of the houses at foundation stage.

Asali Estate is located along Kangundo road and started in late 2021 still incomplete to date. 99% of the houses don’t have roofs. Handed over to the clients at about 45% completion.

Kijani Kibichi Estate located at Diani and started in late 2021 still incomplete to date. 95% of the houses are far from completion.

Kwangu Estate located at Diani and started in mid-2022 still incomplete to date. 99% of the houses are still at foundation stage 1 year down the line.

Kijani Kibichi Annex located at Diani and started in late 2022. The bushes are yet to be cleared and only a half build wall lures clients into thinking that something is about to be done.

Pigeon 2 Estate located at Kimunyu along Kenyatta road started in the 1st quarter of 2023 and there still, it’s a maize farm as was at the time of ground breaking.


Buckle up, dear readers, as we embark on an eye-opening journey through the murky waters of MIZIZI AFRICA HOMES LIMITED.

Our upcoming exposé will delve deep into the realms of financial mismanagement and shocking employee issues that have left a trail of chaos.

Uncover the alarming evidence of funds mysteriously finding their way into family members’ pockets and the unsettling cases of incomplete houses handed over to unsuspecting customers.

Part 2: Loading…
