Katia Winter Found Stability with Boyfriend in Her Home Country

Publish date: 2024-05-04

Katia Winter has made a brilliant career in Hollywood. Her work in projects like The Boys, Dexter, and Sleepy Hollow, has got her to a respectable position in the entertainment business.

The actress, however, is not based in Hollywood. After spending over a decade in LA and New York, she is now back in her home country, Sweden.

She did not move there just for a change in scenery, though. Winter has a new life there with her (relatively) new boyfriend.

Katia Winter’s Ex Husband and Current Boyfriend

Winter's love life is not that publicized a subject. The first time her personal life made headlines was in 2016.

On February 2, 2016, TMZ broke the news about Winter filing for a divorce from her husband, Jesse Glick. The outlet got its hands on her divorce filings, which revealed a few things about their separation.

Winter and Glick married in 2013, but things had already gone south by the time June 2015 arrived. They separated that month and eventually filed for divorce in February 2016, reportedly on their second anniversary.

Katia Winter (Photo: Katia Winter/Instagram)

Her papers also revealed they neither had any children nor had any shared properties.

After this, the Blood and Tressure actress only talked publicly about her dating life in January 2022.

During an interview with Dagens Nyheter, a Swedish publication, she mentioned having a British boyfriend from a while ago. They had apparently met in the US.

In autumn 2019, right before the pandemic hit, they planned on moving back to London. But, unable to make that move, they went with a plan B — to stay at her country house a couple of hours north of Stockholm.

Their initial plan was to weather the storm. However, they ended up staying there permanently — "We're having a great time," she told the publication.

Rumors about Katia Winter’s Relationships

Despite being very low-key, Winter's love life still creates a few rumors on the internet. However, rumors about hers seem to be completely baseless.

On August 15, 2022, Mediamass, a website self-admittedly famous for making up stories, chose Winter as their subject of speculation. They published a fabrication about how she was apparently seen shopping for engagement rings with her boyfriend on August 13, 2022.

They even made up a source — Swedish Sun-Times, to lend some first-glance credibility to their fabrication.

In another piece published the same day, they made up another story about how the Dexter actress might be single. She was "spotted walking alone" on August 13, 2022.

For this one, they made up some fake tweets to go along with the story. It's safe to say both of these stories were fake.
