Arkansas Waitress Fired for Refusing to Share R69K Tip She Received with Colleagues

Publish date: 2024-05-03

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A waitress who was given a $4,400 (R69 945) tip has been fired from her job after refusing to keep only 20% and share 80% with her colleagues.

Details indicate that the restaurant manager forced the lady known as Ryan Brandt to retain R13 94 but give out R55 789 for her workmates to share, Daily Mail reports.

The huge tip had come from a group of good Samaritans led by real estate company owner Grant Wise through their '$100 Dinner Club' at the Oven and Tap in Bentonville, Arkansas.

Brandt given R69k tip

Every member of the club contributed R1 589 towards the tip, which was handed to Brandt to split with another waitress who had helped serve the group.

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The move left the waitress in tears, but her happiness was short-lived after the restaurant managers told her that she would have to share the money with her co-workers.

According to Brandt, it is something that had never happened in all the three and a half years she has worked at the restaurant and received tips from patrons.

"I was told that I was going to be giving my cash over to my shift manager and I would be taking home 20 per cent," Brandt told the media.

Brandt disclosed that the order left her devastated as she had planned to use the money to help offset her pending student loans.

Waitress was fired

A few days later, Wise learned that the lady he had gifted the money had been fired for what the restaurant managers called 'violating' the rules.

According to him, he chose to help out given that people in the hospitality industry had been hit hard during the Covid-19 pandemic.

He added that the club chose the Oven and Tap restaurant because it was a favourite for him and his wife.

"I'm so saddened to hear that the girl we tipped the other night at our $100 Dinner Club has been fired from her job. I don't fully understand why this would happen to what seems like such a sweet and kind-hearted woman," Wise wrote on Facebook.

He added that he was committed to showing Grandt that there still exists good people in the world who would stand up for her.

Set up a GoFund Me campaign

In the wake of the unfortunate incident, Wise announced that he would set up a GoFundMe campaign for Brandt.

The idea, he said, was to help her get through the next couple of months as she looks for a new job elsewhere.

"I hope that we can help this girl stay on top, and not let something like this get her down. My only goal is to help her get through this experience with the least amount of stress and anxiety possible," he expressed.

A few days later, Wise revealed that Brandt had gotten another job and that he was shutting down the fundraiser after it surpassed R138 479.

Housekeeper who single-handedly raised 3 brilliant daughters gets R4.3m help after man opened GoFundMe for her

Briefly News previously reported that a Mexican woman in the United States identified as Esther has received the help of $292,114 (R4.3 million) from Good Samaritans after her touching story made it to Humans of New York.

Esther, who worked as a housekeeper, was able to raise her three daughters all by herself after her husband was deported.

According to a Facebook post by Humans of New York, Esther's kids were able to make her proud by excelling in their studies and winning numerous awards.
