List of reputable publishers in South Africa in 2022: contacts details, location, websites

Publish date: 2024-05-02

The necessity of learning is vital in developing and growing any culture, people, or nation. Books carry the thoughts and experiences of learned people, hence, the need for preserving their knowledge for the present and the future. Publishing houses in South Africa, for instance, play a vital role in this value chain, and all the contact details, locations, and websites are accessible online.

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South Africa has reputable publishing companies with the sole purpose of recruiting, training, and grooming writers into the best. The work is then published in quantity, marketed, distributed, and the writers are paid. Various publishing houses range from physical to digital, each with its specific work niche, having the same drive and mission. So, your works can get published and get across to people with ease as a writer.

What is the list of book publishers in South Africa?

There are many book publishing companies in South Africa and the country has produced some of the finest authors. Below is their list, including their contact details, location, and websites.

Africa Publishing Company

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The African Publishing Company began in 2008 in Cape Town, South Africa. They write to African Christian readers and specialise in other publishing areas such as non-fiction, lifestyle-oriented titles on relationships, health, spiritual matters, and inspirational stories. The distribution model is wholesale, but other titles are directly accessible through online stores to the public. To reach out to them, below are their contact address:

AV Publishing

AV Publishing is a South African company that captures authors' ideas in a book. You can share your wealth of experience and give value to unborn generations. Your unique talents, insights, and gifts can be written and published. Get in touch with them using this contact information:

APC Publishers

APC Publishers has been in the industry for a long time. Having experiences of more than 10 years, they have written and published countless magazines (hard and digital) and catalogues. If you want to get your books published, APC Publishers' skills in marketing, public relations, and social interactions will put your book on the map. Contact them through this information:

Quickfox Publishing

Quickfox Publishing is a professional publishing company in South Africa. Like other publishing houses, they offer top-notch services ranging from standalone editorial, graphic design, printing, ebook, and distribution service for writers and authors in need of publicity and quality production. Their contact information is given below:

BK Publishing (Pty) Ltd

This active publishing company in Pretoria is well known for its passionate publishers, journalists, and graphic designers who deliver quality work. They also offer corporate and creative services to the public. As an author or a writer, you can get your book published and distributed at BK Publishing (Pty) Ltd.

Publishing companies in Johannesburg

The names of publishers in Johannesburg include the following:

How much does it cost to publish a book with a publisher in South Africa?

Book publishers in South Africa collect between R35 and R45 per book if it is over 100 books to be printed digitally. This price works if the book is 148 pages paperback or below with a full-colour cover. Nevertheless, if it is a longer print, you will pay up to R30 per book if you print up to 1,000 books or R20 per copy if you are printing up to 2,000 copies.

How do I get my book published in South Africa?

To get your book published in South Africa, you may have to book an appointment with any representative of the chosen publisher. The necessary steps to take, including how to submit your manuscript, will be discussed with the cost of production.

How many publishers are there in South Africa?

There were 29 companies in the country as of 2019. Significant publishers include Pearson South Africa, Media24, and subsidiary NB publishers.

How much do authors get paid for their first book in South Africa?

Authors in South Africa make 10-12% of net receipts, which is the amount the publisher sells to the bookseller and is the retail price less VAT less account. In all, they make up to 70% royalties from their books.

As a writer, author, or organisation with publishing needs, search no further as you can get across to any of the reputable publishers in South Africa. Once you have checked through the profiles of the available publishers and you conclude which is best for you based on your publishing needs, you can get across to them online or visit them on-site.

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